Ph: (443) 281-9157

Fax: (410) 582-8728

801 Landmark Dr.
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Contact Us

Mon-Fri: 9:00AM-5:30PM

Sat: 9:00AM-1:00PM

Dispill Packaging

Simple and Safe

Why waste time sorting or worrying about medication? This innovative multi-dose packaging system makes everything simpler. Sorted and packaged by our pharmacist, each dose is personalized just for you.

And, they’re clearly labeled by date and time of day, giving you the comfort of knowing you took the right medication at the right time.
No more guesswork, and no more bottles or pillboxes.

  • Color-coded by time of day
  • Detachable and portable
  • Convenient packaging
  • Filled by our pharmacist
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